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Author's Interview: "Love Birds" by Satyam Kapoor

About Author: _________________________________________ Satyam prem, a Banker by profession but writer and poet by heart is a bilingual author who writes in Hindi and English. He was born in Kanpur city of Uttar pradesh in 1984 . Born and brought up in a middle class family ,he had to quit his studies after intermediate to join his father's job at an early age of 19 due to sudden and untimely demise of his father. He completed his graduation through correspondence studies with English literature as one of the subject in graduation. He is a renowned name on facebook. He often posts his stories ,poems ,translations on contemporary and vivid topics on his facebook wall. Love Birds is his debut Novel which was originally written in hindi as " Ishk wale panne", then on insistence of his non hindi speaking friends he reproduced the Novel in English. The theme of the Novel revolves around Shivansh, a young boy who paasing through the arduous path of Love, Lust an...
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Author's Bio: Being an indoor person, Chirasree loves to read, write, and paint. If she's not doing either of the three, you'd find her observing people and reading into their emotions. That's where she gets her story ideas from. With her debut novel 'Done With Her...', she intends to ignite diverse emotions in the readers' minds. She believes in making a difference through her writing. This novel is her baby step towards that goal. Regards, Chirasree Bose Author, Writer, Blogger, Dreamer Get my debut novel ' Done With Her... ' on Amazon Questionnaire: 1. As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? Ans: I would choose Bear. They are the emblematic of grounding forces and strength. 2. What are the most important magazines for writers to subscribe to? Ans: I myself haven’t subscribed to any. However, there is one which I often visit. It’s an online magazine as well as a platf...