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1) when did you first realize you wanted to be a writer ?

From my childhood I am very much fond of two things, one is reading book and second I like to travel new city. So I started to read motivation book when I was in my college second year .So First Book I read “Question are the Answer” by Allan Pease . I was so motivated myself, after that I read so many motivational books. This was the time when I changed a lot in term of the way of thinking , Imagination. I started to make my dream list and so and so ...Some bad time came  in my professional career and I was unemployed at that time so I thought that I will try to write my autobiography and started research on it. How to publish a book?. As I mentioned in my previous, I had requested call back to “Envicup Publishing” and One of team member from Envicup Publishing called and informed me the complete procedure to publish a book. Finally I have started working on my First Book. After so many effort and with the help of my Publication we decided to release my book on 6-Sep-2018.

2) what do you like to do when you're not writing ?

If  I were not a writer , I would have been normal employee of any company where just I have to work 9:00am- 6:00pm and 2 hour every day I have to travel in bus every day . I have not chosen writing for me . It is my ambition and passion to write something good where I can help for my Country .I can help my Society. I can break the border for those coming generation who are not able to see dream because of their poverty.
Writer gives a shape to  their imagination I would like to say for all writers.
From a writer pen’s :
Your pen is your Employee,
Your words are your investment,
Your book is your company and
You are the boss of your company.

3) how do books get published ?

Journey was not much easy as I thought so when I discussed with my publisher and we had final the deal .So I told to my one of room mate about this. So he started laughing at me and I was bit nervous but I never stopped myself to write my book. Due to delay from my end releasing date got postponed twice. So some of my friend thought that just I am pranking by creating such banner with the help of some photo editor. Even when got book released, the same day one of my friend asked
“What is this bro ? is it real or photo editing in facebook ..
From all tough time, Finally time came to smile and I released my first book “A journey : Steps to success” on 6-Sep-2018.
This is how my publishing journey was.

4) tell us something about your novel/book ? 

Hey Reades, I am very much thankful to you that you have taken time to read my interview from your busy schedule.My readers are my backbone for my passion. My readers are catalyst for me who motivate me to write something new ,something good every time . I working on my new latest book “एक सफर : सफलता की ओर ” . It will be out soon for my readers.
This book is translation of my first book.Some of readers had requested to launch in Hindi Language. So I am releasing coming January month in Hindi Language .In this book , you can enjoy motivational Quote and Inspirational story in Hindi Language.
5) do you like to create books for adult as well as for teenagers ?

Yes, I do Like and I will definitely do write a book for teenagers about their turning point ,twist of life, How the thing will change,others opinion about you, how society react on your behaviours and expectation with you from parents,society ,relatives. From all those barrier , how can you live your passion and dream. So Soon I will write a book for teenagers.

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